Midterm Questions 15-24
First, I imported all required libraries and the California Housing Data. I then set up my features as X and my targets as y. From there, I built my K-fold function to be used throughout the following questions.
Xy = X_df.copy()
Xy['y'] = y
Of the four given features, MedInc has the greatest correlation with the target value, with a correlation coefficient of .688.
Xs = ss.fit_transform(X)
Xs_df = pd.DataFrame(Xs, columns = X_names)
Xsy_df = Xs_df.copy()
Xsy_df['y'] = y
Upon standardizing the dataset, the correlation coefficients of the given features do not change.
The score of the linear regression model run on the target and MedInc is .47.
Running a linear regression on the standardized data with 20 folds returns a R2 value of .60198.
Running a ridge regression on the standardized data with 20 folds returns a R2 value of .60201.
Running a linear regression on the standardized data with 20 folds returns a R2 value of .60213.
Of all of the feature values, the least corrleated is AveOccup. After running the three models on standardized data, the Lasso regression returns the smallest coefficient for AveOccup, .037618 in comparison to .039326 and .039412.
Of all of the feature values, the most corrleated is MedInc. After running the three models on standardized data, the Lasso regression returns the smallest coefficient for MedInc, 0.82001 in comparison to 0.82961 and 0.82888.
If looking at the MSE instead of R2 in a Ridge Regression, the optimal alpha value will change from 25.8 to 26.1.
If looking at the MSE instead of R2 in a Lasso Regression, the optimal alpha value will remain the same at .00186. Originally, I miscalculated MSE in my DoKFold function and used the np.argmax() command instead of np.argmin() as MSE should be minimized rather than maximized. Upon implemented my corrections, I found the optimal alpha value to be the same in both instances of the Lasso regression.